Synopsis : Mama takes thirteen-year-old Serena and her sister to the US in search of fortune, leaving behind their multicultural family, stability, and the colors of the Caribbean. After driving from Miami to Hollywood, their money and luck run out and a 1963 Ford Galaxie becomes their first American home. Guided by the memory of her native CuraƧao and the words of her wise grandmother, Serena confronts unimagined challenges and grows up quickly. What gifts will this new country bring, and at what price?
My thoughts: I cannot even imagine what it must be like to move from such simple surroundings such as those described into the hustle and bustle of Hollywood. To go from a place where you have a nice life and lots of friends and family to being isolated and homeless. I especially cannot imagine what this must feel like when it not of your own choice.
Serena is plucked from her happy life at home to a faraway place where she experiences chaos and confusion. For reasons I have yet to discover, Serena’s mother chooses to leave her family and move to the United States to pursue a better life. She is convinced she’ll be able to find a job as a nurse without any trouble whatsoever. Once in Miami she discovers that her nursing license is only good in California and that it has expired. Without much of a plan they purchase a car and hit the road headed for a better life in California.
I can tell you that if you like novels with a multi cultural aspect you might like this one. It also contains a lot of “old world” wisdom from Oma that might appeal to some readers.
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